Ideal Settings for TypeWell Transcription:
TypeWell services work best in lecture-based classes and meetings where one person speaks for extended periods. This includes:
- College lectures and structured classroom instruction
- Business meetings with designated speakers or presentations
- Public presentations, training sessions, and workshops
Discussion-based classes and meetings can also be good candidates, provided that:
- The transcriber is positioned to hear all speakers clearly.
- Participants are encouraged to speak one at a time and enunciate.
Settings That Require Special Consideration:
Math and Science Courses
Technical subjects like math and science can be challenging for new transcribers due to complex symbols, diagrams, and formulas. More experienced transcribers using TypeWell’s advancedmath toolscan effectively capture these subjects with additional training, preparation, and resources.
Law and Medical Courses
Courses requiring precise terminology and detailed accuracy—such as law, medical, and other highly technical subjects—can be effectively transcribed by experienced TypeWell transcribers with subject familiarity. While TypeWell follows a meaning-for-meaningapproach, skilled transcribers can adapt to these settings with preparation and training to ensure clarity and completeness. For courses that require strict verbatim transcription, institutions may consider a combination of TypeWell and CART services depending on the student's needs.
Blog post:Using TypeWell in Law School
Fast-Paced and Dense Lectures
In classes or meetings where speakers talk very quickly or present dense technical information, transcription can be challenging. In these situations:
- Experienced transcribers are recommended.
- Preparation time is often necessary for transcribers to review terminology and course materials in advance.
Foreign Languages
Since TypeWell is an English-based system, it is generally not suited for foreign language courses. However, some sites successfully use TypeWell in these settings if the transcriber has strong proficiency in the foreign language and can apply their real-time skills while maintaining accuracy in spelling, grammar, and meaning.
For multilingual transcribers interested in using TypeWell’s (beta) Spanish or French language dictionaries, please contact us to discuss your work setting and language proficiency before enabling these features in TypeWell V8 Transcriber software.