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Best Practices

  • Coordinating TypeWell Services

    The success of a site's TypeWell support service program depends not only on the transcribers, but also on the knowledge, commitment and skill of the person coordinating the service at the site. This coordination includes: matching service types to the needs of the students or other readers sche...
  • Defining your service policies

    Need some additional support? Click here to join the Google Group for TypeWell Service Coordinators. Check out the National Deaf Center's DSP Toolkit — a combination of information, guidance, and tools to support disability services professionals when working with deaf individuals on campus. You...
  • Informing others that a TypeWell transcriber will be present

    If you coordinate TypeWell services for a school or organization, you are likely tasked with informing teachers, executives, keynote speakers, etc. that there will be a TypeWell transcriber present in their classes or meetings. You might convey this in person, by email, by phone, etc. Here are s...
  • Quality Assurance Measures

    A primary goal of TypeWell is the provision of high-quality communication access and transcripts for deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals. Toward this end, we've established the following policies about the use of TypeWell software. Software Use and Training: Only graduates from authorized Type...
  • Scheduling Transcribers

    See also:     Teaming (more than one transcriber)     Administrative FAQ The work of a transcriber is very similar to the work of an interpreter, both mentally and physically. The arms, hands, and head are always working, and effectiveness and accuracy are known to decrease substantially aft...
  • Teaming (more than one transcriber)

    See also: Scheduling Transcribers Administrative FAQ It is often necessary to have more than one service provider available during long and/or intense classes and meetings: to ensure the effectiveness and accuracy of the transcript, and to protect the physical health of the transcriber. Typ...
  • Transcriber Duties and Code of Ethics

    You might also be interested in:    Defining Your TypeWell Service Policies Being a TypeWell transcriber includes more than just listening and typing. There are certain duties and professional behaviors that are part of the job of every TypeWell transcriber. The duties listed below relate to da...
  • Using TypeWell Services: Reader Guidelines

    You will be receiving TypeWell services in one or more of your classes or meetings. A trained TypeWell transcriber will listen to what people say in the class or meeting. The transcriber will type the information for you to read from a computer screen. The transcript will show all the meaning of ...