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How to List Your TypeWell Transcribing Experience on LinkedIn


LinkedIn is a powerful tool for professional networking and job searching, and it's important to represent your experience as a TypeWell transcriber accurately and effectively.  Whether you're a freelancer or a staff transcriber at a university, this guide will help you best present your skills and experience on your LinkedIn profile, while adhering to ethical and legal obligations.

For guidance on how to list your TypeWell training in the Education section, please refer to our companion article:  How to List Your TypeWell Training on LinkedIn.

General Guidelines

Template Text for "Add Work Experience" on LinkedIn:

Title: [“Freelance Transcriber (TypeWell Trained)” or “Staff Transcriber (TypeWell Trained)”]

Company:  [Name of Agency, Institution, or "Self-Employed" if applicable]

Location:  [Location, or “Remote” if applicable]

Start Date:  [Month and Year you started]

End Date:  [Month and Year you ended or "Present" if ongoing]


  • Provide [or provided] real-time communication access services in an [educational, postsecondary, corporate] setting for a period of [two years, four semesters, etc.].
  • Utilize [or utilized] TypeWell software for high-quality speech-to-text transcribing across a range of academic subjects including sciences, humanities, and social studies.
  • Ensure [or ensured] full compliance with [FERPA, HIPAA] guidelines and upheld confidentiality agreements with agencies.


Add skills like "Real-Time Transcription," "Communication Access," "Educational Support," "TypeWell Software," etc.


  • Do specify the agency, institution, or your self-employed status:  If you work through an agency, list the agency as your employer. If you're self-employed, list that.
  • Do mention TypeWell: Using the word "TypeWell" not only adds credibility but also helps boost name recognition for the software you're trained on.
  • Do include the scope of your work: This helps potential clients and employers understand your expertise and range of experience.
  • Do adhere to confidentiality and legal norms: Always be cautious not to share any details that could violate FERPA, HIPAA, or agency-client confidentiality.


  • Don't list any of the agency's customers or clients unless you have explicit permission: This is crucial for respecting confidentiality agreements.
  • Don't specify course titles: Stick to general subjects to avoid disclosing any details that could reveal the identity of the supported students.
  • Don't over-claim your role or experience: Represent your experience and role accurately.

By following this guide, you can create a LinkedIn work experience entry that is both informative and compliant with necessary guidelines.

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