If you need specific product recommendations, or if you have a unique situation that doesn't quite fit the scenarios described below, please contact us directly. We're here to help!
Equipment needed when the transcriber is at a remote site
The reader at the lecture site will need:
- A computer, tablet, or another Web-enabled device to display the transcript (this same device usually also acts as the hub for audio and text transmission over the Internet)
- A fast and reliable Internet connection (wired or WiFi) for this reader device
- A microphone for the lecturer to wear, connected to a wireless audio transmitter which will send the audio from the microphone to the reader device
- A wireless audio receiver at the reader device to pick up the audio
- Software to transmit the audio from the reader device, over the Internet, to the transcriber (e.g., Skype or Zoom)
- TypeWell Premium Reader software (free) − required only for Skype linking; not required for Web Linking or StreamText
The remote transcriber will need:
- A computer with TypeWell Premium Transcriber software, to support remote linking (e.g. Web Linking, Skype Linking, or StreamText Linking)
- A fast and reliable Internet connection
- Software to receive the audio over the Internet (e.g. Skype or Zoom)
- Headphones to hear the audio clearly
Equipment needed when the reader is at a remote site
The transcriber at the lecture site will need:
- A computer with TypeWell Premium Transcriber software, to transmit the transcript to the reader using remote linking (e.g. Web Linking, Skype Linking, or StreamText Linking)
- A fast and reliable Internet connection
The remote reader will need:
- A computer or other Web-enabled device
- A fast and reliable Internet connection
- TypeWell Premium Reader software (free) − required only for Skype linking; not required for Web Linking or StreamText