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TypeWell Everywhere

IMPORTANT:  TypeWell Everywhere is a standard feature integrated into the TypeWell Transcriber software.

Accelerate Your Everyday Typing

TypeWell Everywhere allows you to use your TypeWell abbreviations in any Windows-based program, helping you maintain and enhance your abbreviation skills.

Target Audience:

This software feature is especially beneficial for graduates of the TypeWell transcribing course, aiding in continual practice with both basic (Classic) and advanced (Turbo) abbreviations.  Note that TypeWell Everywhere is not a replacement for the TypeWell Transcriber software and should not be utilized for communication access services.

How It Works

TypeWell Everywhere operates in the background on Windows computers and integrates seamlessly with any program's keyboard input.  While it is a distinct feature, it is tightly integrated with your operating system to improve your typing across all programs.

You can toggle TypeWell Everywhere on or off in specific programs using a hotkey combination.  The software remembers your settings for each program, enabling or disabling abbreviation expansion as you switch between them.

Sharon Allen profile photo

"I can't imagine going back to typing longhand!"
Sharon Allen, Transcriber & Service Coordinator (Oregon)

Available Options

There are two standalone versions of TypeWell Everywhere:

  1. Mini Subscription:  Includes TypeWell's comprehensive 4-million-word dictionary but does not offer the Personal Abbreviation List (PAL) feature.
  2. Standard Subscription: Comes with PAL capability, allowing you to add custom abbreviations. This version also includes automatic accent marks for commonly used words. For example, "snrta" expands to "señorita," and "rsm" can expand to "resume" and then to "résumé."

The Standard version also includes a special feature that enables the use of the semicolon quick-correct key in programs like Microsoft Excel and the Captioning Pod in Adobe Connect.

Ready to Use TypeWell Everywhere?

We offer flexible pricing options to graduates of the Basic Skills Course.

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