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Making the Switch: A Guide for C-Print Captionists Considering TypeWell

What are the advantages of TypeWell over C-Print?

  • Reliable streaming text platform: TypeWell’s Web Linking feature, included free with the software, offers unmatched reliability compared to C-Print’s linking service.
  • Strong STEM capabilities: TypeWell efficiently handles content in STEM fields, which is essential for many service providers.
  • Exceptional technical support: TypeWell’s extensive knowledgebase, rapid troubleshooting response, and ongoing support distinguish it from C-Print.
  • Expansive dictionary: TypeWell’s dictionary has grown to over 4 million words, without sacrificing its usability. And that’s just English! Proficient users can also utilize specialized modes for Math/Science, French, and Spanish.
  • Intuitive abbreviation system: Many users find TypeWell’s shorthand patterns more intuitive than C-Print’s phonetic abbreviations.
  • Community and networking opportunities: TypeWell fosters a strong network and community of transcribers and employers through platforms like Google Groups and social media.

What's the difference between C-Print and TypeWell?

TypeWell and C-Print are both speech-to-text transcription systems that utilize trained professionals who type using abbreviations, or a kind of shorthand, on a regular QWERTY keyboard.
While there are some similarities between the two systems, such as the moth of omitting vowels, there are distinct differences in their approach. C-Print employs a phonetic system, where the words are typed how they sound (e.g., “fon” instead of “phone”), whereas TypeWell uses a system of shortcuts in which a single letter can represent a whole word or parts of a word (e.g., “x” for “and;” “j” for “the” or “th”).

Court = kort | cort
Around = arnd | arnd
Queen = qen | qn
Capital = kptl | cptl
Storage = strj | strge
Number = nmbr | nmbr (nbr in Turbo)
Climb = klim | clmb
And = n (brief form) | x

How hard is it to relearn captioning with TypeWell?

Many C-Print users who have transitioned to TypeWell report that the two systems are more alike than different, though mastering the most frequently-used abbreviations in TypeWell can require some practice.  To aid in this transition, we offer additional free practice drills specifically designed for former C-Print captionists.

Are there more job opportunities for TypeWell transcribers?

Transcription agencies typically favor TypeWell for STEM classes because of its extensive Math Mode dictionary.
Furthermore, TypeWell supports its community by maintaining a Job Board that lists both on-site and remote opportunities for TypeWell transcribers, updated weekly.

Are there discounts available for former C-print captionists?

Former C-Print captionists have access to a streamlined version of our Basic Skills Course tailored specifically to leverage your existing skills. As part of this promotion, you will also receive the first three months of license fees for the Transcriber software waived, helping you transition smoothly and cost-effectively.

Why would I pay for a license when the C-Print software is only a one-time cost?

TypeWell is independently funded and continuously innovated, without relying on government support or large grants. This necessitates a sustainable licensing model, hence our licensing fees. TypeWell offers software features that are continually refined and expanded: a larger dictionary that grows with each update, a reliable free streaming text platform, fast and responsive technical support, regular software updates, community forums, continuing education courses, and a dedicated Job Board. The monthly licensing fees ensure that we can fairly compensate the professionals who work so hard to develop, maintain, and enhance these ongoing services. This model supports ongoing innovation and quality improvements, ensuring you always have the best tools at your disposal.

Can someone who is currently providing C-Print learn TypeWell?

While there are similarities between the two abbreviation systems, they are distinct enough to require focused learning to master the differences. We recommend taking a break from providing C-Print services to fully engage with and learn the TypeWell system.

Summer offers the perfect opportunity for this transition, allowing you to dedicate time to learning without the pressure of ongoing projects, so you finish the training and begin accepting new job assignments at the start of the Fall semester.

May 6, 2024

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